Possession of a Recalcitrant Dream, 2024. 

Possession of a Recalcitrant Dream, 2024. Installation Rendering



Here is a repository of my meanderings and ruminations...




Things I Read, Am Reading (Rereading and Rerereading) Or Will Read.......

Juliana Huxtable, Gordon Hall (Reluctantly) Talked 'Transgender in the Mainstream' at Basel

Appearing Differently: Abstraction’s Transgender and Queer Capacities

Edouard Glissant: For Opacity

Queering Queer Abstraction

Figuring Queerness

Heather Cassils Becoming An Image

Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Riotous Black Girls, Troublesome Women, and Queer Radicals by Saidiya Hartman

Black Trans Feminism by Marquis Bey

Why Are Americans Afraid of Dragons by Ursula K Le Guin

Monster Theory: Reading Culture, a collection of outstanding essays edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Monster Culture (Seven Theses) Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Monsters in the closet: Homosexuality and the horror film by Harry M. Benshoff

Through the Guillotine Mirror: Claude Cahun’s Theory of Trans against the Void by Jordan Reznick

Books and Essays by Manuel Vason

Transexual by Anne Tagonist





A playlist for the kids and cruisers at Evans Way Park


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